Thousands of years ago, a person observed that there was a force that existed in the world like no other; a force that unified all things. He realized that this power took the randomness of the universe, and from it, created organization. It was the force that made life predictable. It was the power that caused the sun to come up every morning, and the stars to come out every night. This very clever man took this force and gave it the name “God.” He also realized that God was inside us as well. It was the POWER INSIDE of us that caused a child to grow into a man. It was the power INSIDE of us that caused a broken bone to heal! This God created order and organization inside of our bodies each and every moment of our lives.
In 1895 one man had a similar observation; his name was DD Palmer. Palmer was a healer at the time, but thought a little differently than his colleagues. While most of the health field was trying to find the cure for all disease, Palmer wanted to find the CAUSE OF ALL DISEASE. His rationale was that if you just cured someone of a disease, the reason why the disease was developed in the first place was never addressed. The body is therefore still in a diseased state. Instead, he asked himself the question “why does one person get sick over another?” It was a question he could not answer at the time. But then one day something changed that. You see, he observed the same organizational force that was present in the world. Instead of using the word God to describe it, he used the phrase “Universal Intelligence.” He also realized that this universal intelligence was inside each and every one of us. He called this our “Innate Intelligence,” innate meaning born with, and intelligence meaning just that! From that he understood that we are innately born with the ability to heal ourselves. To do this, our innate intelligence utilizes our nervous system. Our nervous system is what is responsible for transmitting our healing messages to every organ, tissue, and cell in our body. However, there is a catch…just as the sunlight that is feeding a flower can be blocked by the shade of a tree, this inborn intelligence that is sending healing messages to our body through our nervous system can be interfered with as well. This interference is what he termed a SUBLUXATION. He now had the answer to his question. If someone had interference to their nervous system, their body would be susceptible to disease. This interference is the CAUSE of all disease! DD Palmer believed that if you took away the interference, the healing messages from your brain would then be free to flow to every cell in your body, allowing healing to take place. He took this theory and created a system of detecting interference in your nervous system, and then eliminating it, restoring full communication between your brain and body. He named this system CHIROPRACTIC!
DD Palmer was a man way ahead of his time. Because of his courage and wisdom, chiropractic has now become the second largest healing art in the world. He accomplished all of this just by appreciating the fact that our bodies are self-healing and self-regulating. Our current model of health however, does not give that same respect to our body. We live in a world that believes health is outside-in. Currently 60% of American’s are on medications, believing this is the way to health. We need to wake up and realize that true health comes from within. If innate intelligence is allowed to fully express itself, health is inevitable. We just need to have some faith in ourselves! Nelson Mandela once said “ Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”