Monday, March 8, 2010

Dis-ease vs. disease

What is the one thing that all diseases have in common? The body isn’t working right! If your body was working correctly, the cells wouldn’t duplicate rapidly causing cancer, your heart would be beating at the right speed and right pressure, and your body would fight off the influenza virus so that you wouldn’t catch the flu. You see, there are thousands and thousands of diseases out there, but they are all effects of something known as dis-ease. Dis-ease is a disruption of communication between the brain stem and the body caused by a subluxation. If there is a break-down of communication, then the body will begin to weaken, and creates a perfect breeding ground for disease to grow.
A great analogy to describe this condition would be a dump. If you have a piece of land that becomes a dump, inevitable rats will begin to flock there. You can poison the dump, and kill all of the rats, however if the dump is left to sit there, more rats will congregate, and the cycle repeated. The only way to break the cycle is to clean up the dump! The same holds true for your body. If you have dis-ease that is caused by a subluxation it creates a “dump” inside your body. Just like the rats, different diseases will find this environment to be perfect to thrive in. You can take care of the diseases by using medications, surgery, or other therapies; however if you don’t address the dis-ease, your body will still be in a weakened condition, where more and more diseases can grow.
Go see a chiropractor today so that you can reestablish the communication between your brain stem and every single cell of your body. It’s far more important to take care of the cause of the problem and let your body take care of the symptoms on its own.