Monday, October 26, 2009

The Symphony Of Life

Let’s use a simple analogy to discover how our bodies operate every single moment of every single day: A symphony.  A symphony consists of multiple sections such has strings, woodwinds, percussion, etc.  Within each section are individuals playing their respected instrument.  We have violins, violas, clarinets, tubas, and wind chimes just to name a few.  Everyone can play their own instrument, and make beautiful music individually; however it needs the help of a conductor to take these individuals, and coordinate them into playing as a group.  The end result is a sound that is more beautiful and more powerful than any one member of the symphony can achieve individually.

Your body works entirely the same way!  Your body is just a collection of trillions of cells.  Like the sections of a symphony, it consists of four main sections: muscle tissue, nerve tissue, connective tissue (i.e. ligaments) and epithelial tissue (i.e. skin). Within each section are individual cells performing their respected function, just like the instruments of the symphony.  We have heart-muscle cells, liver cells, thyroid cells, bone-forming cells just to name a few.  Every cell can perform functions on its own to survive; however it needs the help of a “conductor” to take these individual cells and coordinate them into functioning as a whole.  The conductor of our entire body is our brain and spinal cord.  If the brain is doing its job and “conducting” our cells, health is the result!

 Going back to the symphony, what would happen if the violin section were given earplugs and blindfolds?  This would probably interfere with how the violinists were playing.  Even though the conductor is still trying to coordinate the symphony, the violinists just aren’t getting the messages.  What used to be an amazing synchronized masterpiece begins to sound more like a disaster.

 This is how disease manifests itself in your body. The brain, like the conductor, is sending out messages to all the cells of your body.  Now imagine there was something interfering with the messages going to your liver cells.  Those liver cells begin to become disorganized.  A pathology begins to exist.  In this example we may call it hepatitis, or liver cirrhosis. Whatever the pathology is named, it is all one common cause; a lack of harmony between your cells. 

 So what is the solution to the violinists in our example?  Our current health care suggests we either remove the violinists from the symphony, or put earplugs in the audiences’ ears.  In both cases you are not experiencing the symphony at its best. 

At Gardens Family Chiropractic we like to focus on the cause of the problem.  We would much rather remove the earplugs and blindfolds from the violinists and let the conductor lead them back into harmony.  What sounds more appealing to you?

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